Home » Advent of Code Day 1 and 2 in Scala

Advent of Code Day 1 and 2 in Scala


This is my catch-up post for Advent of Code 2019 day 1 and day 2. Both days involved tail recursive functions, which is a whole lot of fun to write! The first day required recursive fuel calculation logic. When adding fuel to a rocket, we need to ensure that we add fuel when a significant amount of fuel is added. Because fuel itself has weight, and has to be propelled.

Day 1: parts 1 and 2

class Puzzle1 {
  def calculateFuel(input: Int): Int = {
    val first = Math.floor(input.toFloat / 3).toInt
    first - 2

  //recursive fuel calculation function!
  @tailrec final def recursiveFuel(acc: Int = 0, input: Int): Int = {
    val change = Math.floor(input.toFloat / 3).toInt
    if (change 
          val result = acc(in1) + acc(in2)
          process(acc.updated(dest, result), opCount + 1)
        case MULT :: in1 :: in2 :: dest :: xs =>
          val result = acc(in1) * acc(in2)
          process(acc.updated(dest, result), opCount + 1)
        case END :: xs =>
        case _ => throw new Exception("Unknown opcode")

    process(ops, 0)

I remembered my pattern matching logic from scala! Pattern Matching allowed me to select out the Operation, and then the Parameters to that operation, trivially.

Opcodes (like 1, 2, or 99) mark the beginning of an instruction. The values used immediately after an opcode, if any, are called the instruction’s parameters. For example, in the instruction 1,2,3,4, 1 is the opcode; 2, 3, and 4 are the parameters. The instruction 99 contains only an opcode and has no parameters.

https://adventofcode.com/2019/day/2 – part 2

Using the list builtin method .updated I can create a new list, changing out that location in the list. Perfect for the IntCode operations. I just have to keep track of how many operations I have done, so I can move along the list and execute the next operation in order.

This proved to be an excellent solution to both part 1 and part 2 of the Advent of Code Day 2 puzzle. For part 2, I pretty much just did the dumbest thing possible, and used tons of CPU power to brute force out the solution. I didn’t even exit the loop early, so I wasted all the CPU cycles.

  println("PART TWO:")

  (0 to 99).inclusive.foreach( noun => {
    (0 to 99).inclusive.foreach(verb => {
      val attempt = app.updated(1, noun).updated(2, verb)
      val result = new IntCode(attempt).execute()
      if(result.head == 19690720) {
        println(s"Noun = $noun verb = $verb")
        println(s"ANSWER: ${100 * noun + verb}")

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